Posting San Francisco Legislation in Machine-Readable Formats
Shared for feedback by Seamus Kraft
Posting San Francisco Legislation in Machine-Readable Formats
Motion requiring the Clerk of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to make ordinances, resolutions and written motions available in machine-readable format.
MOVED, That within three business days of the introduction or amendment of any proposed ordinance, resolution or written motion, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors shall make available the ordinance, resolution or written motion, including all document data concerning the Board's public legislative process, on the Board's website in machine-readable format. For the purpose of this Motion, "machine-readable format" shall include formats consistent with the Open Data Policy rules and standards promulgated by the Chief Data Officer under Administrative Code Section 22D.2 This requirement is directory only, and shall not provide a basis for invalidating any ordinance, resolution or motion adopted by the Board of Supervisors.
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